Sweety THREE Baby/Toddler Girl Colorful Pant/Underswear (Size 140) *10 Designs with Only 1 Size & 1 Piece Each Design*
Price: S$3.90 each piece
(Get 2 Pieces Same Value(S$3.90) Baby/Toddler Pant for S$7.00 / Get 2 Pieces Same Value(S$3.90) Baby/Toddler Pant for S$10.00)
AVAILABLE Designs/Code:
Design 1 - MPB090/PS3CLF(140/1)-R
Design 2 - MPB090/PS3CLF(140/2)-R
Design 3 - MPB090/PS3CLF(140/3)-R
Design 4 - MPB090/PS3CLF(140/4)-R
Design 5 - MPB090/PS3CLF(140/5)-R
Design 6 - MPB090/PS3CLF(140/6)-R
Design 7 - MPB090/PS3CLF(140/7)-R
Design 8 - MPB090/PS3CLF(140/8)-R
Design 9 - MPB090/PS3CLF(140/9)-R
Design 10 - MPB090/PS3CLF(140/10)-R
Size Reference: Size 140 Suitable for Waistline 44cm x Length to Crotch 22cm
(Measurement before stretch / + - 1cm to 2 cm)
Material: Cotton with Extra Cotton Layer @ Inner Crotch Layer (Very soft, Comfortable & Stretchy)
To Order, you can email to
mummypreciousboutique@gmail.com with details Preferred Items/Color/Size. Once
we confirmed the item’s availability, we will reply your email with the order
confirmation cum soft copy of invoice for your payment arrangement. Payment
Deadline will be given with the order confirmation. Order with no payment will
be AUTO-CANCELLED WITH NO NOTIFICATION immediately after Payment Deadline &
items will auto-release to next available waitlist. Thank You!)