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My Cutey Model! :o)))

My Cutey Model! :o)))


KINDLY TAKE NOTE: MPB Blogspot is for pictures viewing with details for the items that we carried. Stock availabilty is not updated. Please email to to check on item's latest stock availability before arrange for payment. Thank you for Shopping with MPB! :o)))

Baby/Toddler Pant - Sweet Summer FOUR Japanese Baby-Toddler Q-Pant *6 Designs Available*

Sweet Summer FOUR Japanese Baby-Toddler Q-Pant *6 Designs Available*

Price: S$6.90 each piece (Get 2 Pieces Same Value(S$6.90) Baby/Toddler Pants Only for S$12.00)

Dark Blue/Don't Cry!! - SIZE 80 [ MPB060/PSSUM4DBLCRY80-R ] * SIZE 90 [ MPB060/PSSUM4DBLCRY90-R ] * SIZE 100 [ MPB060/PSSUM4DBLCRY100-R ]

Pastel Blue/Have A Smile - SIZE 80 [ MPB060/PSSUM4PBLSMILE80-R ] * SIZE 90 [ MPB060/PSSUM4PBLSMILE90-R ] * SIZE 100 [ MPB060/PSSUM4PBLSMILE100-R ]

Black/Happy Again - SIZE 80 [ MPB060/PSSUM4BKHAPPY80-R ] * SIZE 90 [ MPB060/PSSUM4BKHAPPY90-R ] * SIZE 100 [ MPB060/PSSUM4BKHAPPY100-R ]

Pink/Bow - SIZE 80 [ MPB060/PSSUM4PKBOW80-R ] * SIZE 90 [ MPB060/PSSUM4PKBOW90-R ] * SIZE 100 [ MPB060/PSSUM4PKBOW100-R ]

Cyan/Bow - SIZE 80 [ MPB060/PSSUM4CYBOW80-R ] * SIZE 90 [ MPB060/PSSUM4CYBOW90-R ] * SIZE 100 [ MPB060/PSSUM4CYBOW100-R ]

Black/Bow - SIZE 80 [ MPB060/PSSUM4BKBOW80-R ] * SIZE 90 [ MPB060/PSSUM4BKBOW90-R ] * SIZE 100 [ MPB060/PSSUM4BKBOW100-R ]

Size Reference: SIZE 80 - Length 23cm x Waistline 41cm / SIZE 90 - Length 24cm x Waistline 44cm / SIZE 100 - Length 26cm x Waistline 46cm

Material: 100% Cotton *with Ribbon for Bow design* (Very Soft, Light, Comfortable & Stretchy!)

*Please click on image to view bigger size format*

Baby/Toddler Pant - Sweet Summer THREE Japanese Baby-Toddler Q-Pant *3 Colors Available*

Sweet Summer THREE Japanese Baby-Toddler Q-Pant *3 Colors Available*

Price: S$6.90 each piece (Get 2 Pieces Same Value(S$6.90) Baby/Toddler Pants Only for S$12.00)

Pink/Bow - SIZE 80 [ MPB059/PSSUM3PKBOW80-R ] * SIZE 90 [ MPB059/PSSUM3PKBOW90-R ] * SIZE 95 [ MPB059/PSSUM3PKBOW95-R ] * SIZE 100 [ MPB059/PSSUM3PKBOW100-R ]

Blue/Star - SIZE 80 [ MPB059/PSSUM3BLSTAR80-R ] * SIZE 90 [ MPB059/PSSUM3BLSTAR90-R ] * SIZE 95 [ MPB059/PSSUM3BLSTAR95-R ] * SIZE 100 [ MPB059/PSSUM3BLSTAR100-R ]

Beige/Clover - SIZE 80 [ MPB059/PSSUM3BGCLVR80-R ] * SIZE 90 [ MPB059/PSSUM3BGCLVR90-R ] * SIZE 95 [ MPB059/PSSUM3BGCLVR95-R ] * SIZE 100 [ MPB059/PSSUM3BGCLVR100-R ]

Size Reference: SIZE 80 - Length 25cm x Waistline 40cm / SIZE 90 - Length 28cm x Waistline 43cm / SIZE 95 - Length 31cm x Waistline 44cm / SIZE 100 - Length 34cm x Waistline 45cm

Material: 100% Cotton (Very Soft, Light, Comfortable and Stretchy!)

*Please click on image to view bigger size format*

Baby/Toddler Pant - Cutey THREE Baby Legging Pant *12 Designs Available/3 Sizes Available*

Cutey THREE Baby Legging Pant *12 Designs Available/3 Sizes Available*

Price: S$6.00 each piece (Get 2 pieces of Same Value(S$6.00) Baby/Toddler Legging Pants only for S$11.00)

Grey Bicycle - SIZE 80 [ MPB058/PC3GYBIKE80-R(BS) ] * SIZE 90 [ MPB058/PC3GYBIKE90-R(BS) ] * SIZE 95 [ MPB058/PC3GYBIKE95-R(BS) ]

White/Minnie - SIZE 80 [ MPB058/PC3WHMINNIE80-R(BS) ] * SIZE 90 [ MPB058/PC3WHMINNIE90-R(BS) ] * SIZE 95 [ MPB058/PC3WHMINNIE95-R(BS) ]

Cyan/Penguin - SIZE 80 [ MPB058/PC3CYPENGUIN80-R(BS) ] * SIZE 90 [ MPB058/PC3CYPENGUIN90-R(BS) ] * SIZE 95 [ MPB058/PC3CYPENGUIN95-R(BS) ]

Blue/Tigger - SIZE 80 [ MPB058/PC3BLTIGGER80-R(BS) ] * SIZE 90 [ MPB058/PC3BLTIGGER90-R(BS) ] * SIZE 95 [ MPB058/PC3BLTIGGER95-R(BS) ]

Dark Pink/Bear - SIZE 80 [ MPB058/PC3DPKBEAR80-R(BS) ] * SIZE 90 [ MPB058/PC3DPKBEAR90-R(BS) ] * SIZE 95 [ MPB058/PC3DPKBEAR95-R(BS) ]

Brown/Frog - SIZE 80 [ MPB058/PC3BRFROG80-R(BS) ] * SIZE 90 [ MPB058/PC3BRFROG90-R(BS) ] * SIZE 95 [ MPB058/PC3BRFROG95-R(BS) ]

Bright Pink/Rabbit - SIZE 80 [ MPB058/PC3PKRABBIT80-R(BS) ] * SIZE 90 [ MPB058/PC3PKRABBIT90-R(BS) ] * SIZE 95 [ MPB058/PC3PKRABBIT95-R(BS) ]

Bright Green/Frog - SIZE 80 [ MPB058/PC3GRFROG80-R(BS) ] * SIZE 90 [ MPB058/PC3GRFROG90-R(BS) ] * SIZE 95 [ MPB058/PC3GRFROG95-R(BS) ]

Black/Panda - SIZE 80 [ MPB058/PC3BKPANDA80-R(BS) ] * SIZE 90 [ MPB058/PC3BKPANDA90-R(BS) ] * SIZE 95 [ MPB058/PC3BKPANDA95-R(BS) ]

Blue/Elephant - SIZE 80 [ MPB058/PC3BLELPHT80-R(BS) ] * SIZE 90 [ MPB058/PC3BLELPHT90-R(BS) ] * SIZE 95 [ MPB058/PC3BLELPHT95-R(BS) ]

Orange/Lion - SIZE 80 [ MPB058/PC3ORLION80-R(BS) ] * SIZE 90 [ MPB058/PC3ORLION90-R(BS) ] * SIZE 95 [ MPB058/PC3ORLION95-R(BS) ]

Yellow/Duck - SIZE 80 [ MPB058/PC3YLDUCK80-R(BS) ] * SIZE 90 [ MPB058/PC3YLDUCK90-R(BS) ] * SIZE 95 [ MPB058/PC3YLDUCK95-R(BS) ]

Size Reference: Size 80 - Length 39cm (0 to 1 years old)Size 90 - Length 41cm (1 to 2 years old)Size 95 - Length 47cm(3 to 4 years old)
Material: 80% Cotton + 17% Nylon + 3% Polyurethane (Thicker fabric which keeps baby leg warm in cool weather or air con place. Whole piece Very Stretchable!)

*Please click on the image to view bigger format*

Baby/Toddler Bib - Super-Cute FOUR Baby/Toddler Costume & Cartoon Feeding Bib with Front Pocket *20 Designs Available / 1 Size Only*

Super-Cute FOUR Baby/Toddler Costume & Cartoon Feeding Bib with Front Pocket *20 Designs Available / 1 Size Only*

Price: S$4.50 each piece (Get 2 Pieces Same Value(S$4.50) Baby Bibs Only for S$8.50)

Group A - A1 [ MPB030/BSC4(A1)-R ] * A2 [ MPB030/BSC4(A2)-R ] * A3 [ MPB030/BSC4(A3)-R ] * A4 [ MPB030/BSC4(A4)-R ] * A5 [ MPB030/BSC4(A5)-R ]

Group B - B1 [ MPB030/BSC4(B1)-R ] * B2 [ MPB030/BSC4(B2)-R ] * B3 [ MPB030/BSC4(B3)-R ] * B4 [ MPB030/BSC4(B4)-R ] * B5 [ MPB030/BSC4(B5)-R ]

Group C - C1 [ MPB030/BSC4(C1)-R ] * C2 [ MPB030/BSC4(C2)-R ] * C3 [ MPB030/BSC4(C3)-R ] * C4 [ MPB030/BSC4(C4)-R ] * C5 [ MPB030/BSC4(C5)-R ]

Group D - D1 [ MPB030/BSC4(D1)-R ] * D2 [ MPB030/BSC4(D2)-R ] * D3 [ MPB030/BSC4(D3)-R ] * D4 [ MPB030/BSC4(D4)-R ] * D5 [ MPB030/BSC4(D5)-R ]

Size Reference: Estimated Width 22cm x Centre Neckline to end of the bib 21.5cm (Suitable for Newborn to 3 years old)
Material: Front bib & Pocket-Cotton Material & Behind bib-waterproof layer (Very Soft, Light and Gentle to baby skin)

PLEASE TAKE NOTE: Some of the actual product's color maybe very slight different from picture. The designs are the same. "A2" bib's front is White color.

*Please click on image to view bigger size format*

Baby/Toddler Tight - Super-Comfy THREE Toddler Tights Pant (Flowery Baggy)

Super-Comfy THREE Toddler Tights Pant (Flowery Baggy)

Price: S$6.90 each piece (Get 2 Pieces Same Value Baby/Toddler Dress Only for S$13.00 / Get 3 Pieces Same Value Baby/Toddler Dress Only for S$18.00)

White - SIZE 95 [ MPB004/TGSC3WHFLWR95-R ] * SIZE 105 [ MPB004/TGSC3WHFLWR105-R ] * SIZE 115 [ MPB004/TGSC3WHFLWR115-R ] * SIZE 125 [ MPB004/TGSC3WHFLWR125-R ]

Grey - SIZE 95 [ MPB004/TGSC3GYFLWR95-R ] * SIZE 105 [ MPB004/TGSC3GYFLWR105-R ] * SIZE 115 [ MPB004/TGSC3GYFLWR115-R ] * SIZE 125 [ MPB004/TGSC3GYFLWR125-R ]

Pink - SIZE 95 [ MPB004/TGSC3PKFLWR95-R ] * SIZE 105 [ MPB004/TGSC3PKFLWR105-R ] * SIZE 115 [ MPB004/TGSC3PKFLWR115-R ] * SIZE 125 [ MPB004/TGSC3PKFLWR125-R ]

Black - SIZE 95 [ MPB004/TGSC3BKFLWR95-R ] * SIZE 105 [ MPB004/TGSC3BKFLWR105-R ] * SIZE 115 [ MPB004/TGSC3BKFLWR115-R ] * SIZE 125 [ MPB004/TGSC3BKFLWR125-R ]

Size Reference: SIZE 95 - for child with height around 95cm / SIZE 105 - for child with height around 105cm / SIZE 115 - for child with height around 115cm / SIZE 125 - for child with height around 125cm

Material: 100% Cotton (Very Soft, Comfortable and STRETCHY!)

*Please click on image to view bigger size format*
