BIG Cutey series FIVE Animal Waterproof Bib (With Front pocket) *7 Designs/1 Size Available*
Price: S$6.50 each piece
(Get 2 Pieces of Same Value(S$6.50) Baby Bibs Only for S$12.00)
Black/Penguin [ MPB036/BBC5BKPENGUIN-R(MMC) ] * Blue/Doggy [ MPB036/BBC5BLDOG-R(MMC) ] * Blue/Elephant [ MPB036/BBC5BLELPHT-R(MMC) ] * Blue/Owl [ MPB036/BBC5BLOWL-R(MMC) ] * Pink/Kitty [ MPB036/BBC5PKKITTY-R(MMC) ] * Pink/Ladybird [ MPB036/BBC5PKLDYBIRD-R(MMC) ] * Yellow/Bird [ MPB036/BBC5YLBEE-R(MMC) ]
Size Reference: Full Length 37cm x Max Width 24cm x Length
from front centre neckline to end of bib is 24cm x Bib Neckline Max Circumference 37cm (+- 1-2cm)
Material: Polyester Neoprene with Velcro for bib behind neck
fastening (Waterproof which can just wipe of
if any stain! Very soft bib!) Machine Washable*Please read Bib label tag for more details*