Super-Cute ONE Baby/Toddler Romper *11 Designs Available*
Price: S$8.90 (Get 2 Pieces Same Value Baby/Toddler Rompers Only for S$17.00 / Get 3 Pieces Same Value Baby/Toddler Rompers Only for S$24.00)
Orange/Bee - SIZE 80 [ MPB007/RSLSCF1ORBEE80-R ] * SIZE 90 [ MPB007/RSLSCF1ORBEE90-R ] * SIZE 95 [ MPB007/RSLSCF1ORBEE95-R ]
Yellow/Elephant - SIZE 80 [ MPB007/RSLSCF1YLELPT80-R ] * SIZE 90 [ MPB007/RSLSCF1YLELPT90-R ] * SIZE 95 [ MPB007/RSLSCF1YLELPT95-R ]
White/Sheep - SIZE 80 [ MPB007/RSLSCF1WHSHP80-R ] * SIZE 90 [ MPB007/RSLSCF1WHSHP90-R ] * SIZE 95 [ MPB007/RSLSCF1WHSHP95-R ]
Green/Lion - SIZE 80 [ MPB007/RSLSCF1GRLION80-R ] * SIZE 90 [ MPB007/RSLSCF1GRLION90-R ] * SIZE 95 [ MPB007/RSLSCF1GRLION95-R ]
Cream/Bears - SIZE 80 [ MPB008/RSLSCF1CRBEAR80-R ] * SIZE 90 [ MPB008/RSLSCF1CRBEAR90-R ] * SIZE 95 [ MPB008/RSLSCF1CRBEAR95-R ]
Blue/Cars - SIZE 80 [ MPB008/RSLSCF1BLCAR80-R ] * SIZE 90 [ MPB008/RSLSCF1BLCAR90-R ] * SIZE 95 [ MPB008/RSLSCF1BLCAR95-R ]
Cream/Cars - SIZE 80 [ MPB008/RSLSCF1CRCAR80-R ] * SIZE 90 [ MPB008/RSLSCF1CRCAR90-R ] * SIZE 95 [ MPB008/RSLSCF1CRCAR95-R ]
White/Bow - SIZE 80 [ MPB009/RSLSCF1WHBOW80-R ] * SIZE 90 [ MPB009/RSLSCF1WHBOW90-R ] * SIZE 95 [ MPB009/RSLSCF1WHBOW95-R ]
Pink/Bow - SIZE 80 [ MPB009/RSLSCF1PKBOW80-R ] * SIZE 90 [ MPB009/RSLSCF1PKBOW90-R ] * SIZE 95 [ MPB009/RSLSCF1PKBOW95-R ]
Ivory/Lovely Cherry - SIZE 80 [ MPB009/RSLSCF1IVLCHRY80-R ] * SIZE 90 [ MPB009/RSLSCF1IVLCHRY90-R ] * SIZE 95 [ MPB009/RSLSCF1IVLCHRY95-R ]
Ivory/Cherries - SIZE 80 [ MPB009/RSLSCF1IVCHRY80-R ] * SIZE 90 [ MPB009/RSLSCF1IVCHRY90-R ] * SIZE 95 [ MPB009/RSLSCF1IVCHRY95-R ]
Size Reference: (For 007/008 Code) Size 80 - Length(Shoulder to Crotch) 39cm x Chest 52cm / Size 90 - Length(Shoulder to Crotch) 40cm x Chest 54cm / Size 95 - Length(Shoulder to Crotch) 44cm x Chest 58cm (For 009 Code) Size 80 - Length(Shoulder to Crotch) 39cm x Chest 50cm / Size 90 - Length(Shoulder to Crotch) 40cm x Chest 54cm / Size 95 - Length(Shoulder to Crotch) 44cm x Chest 54cm (All Measurement before Stretch & +-1cm)
Material: 100% Cotton (Light Cotton. Very Soft, Comfortable & Stretchy!)
*Please click on images to view bigger size format*