Baby Comfy TWO Sleep Bag *5 Designs Available / 1
Size Only*
Price: S$14.90 each piece
(Get 2 Pieces Same Value(S$14.90) Baby/Toddler Sleep Bags
for S$28.00)
AVAILABLE Color/Design/Code:
Colorful Hearts/Froggy - MPB011/SBBC2CLFHRTFROG-R(CR)
Green/Monkey - MPB011/SBBC2GRMNKY-R(CR)
Grey & Orange Stripy/Dino - MPB011/SBBC2GYORDINO-R(CR)
Pastel Lavender/Zebra - MPB011/SBBC2PLVZEBRA-R(CR)
Size Reference: for 0 to 9 months old (Only 1 size
Material: Polyester (Very soft and Comfortable and keep baby
warms in cool weather or aircon room)