Super-Comfy THREE Baby/Toddler Long Legging Pant (Beary Big Head) *3 Colors Available*
Price: S$7.90 each piece (Get 2 Pieces Same Value(S$7.90) Baby/Toddler Pants Only for S$14.00)
Orange & Red - SIZE 80 [ MPB056/PSCF3ORRDBEAR80-R ] * SIZE 90 [ MPB056/PSCF3ORRDBEAR90-R ] * SIZE 95 [ MPB056/PSCF3ORRDBEAR95-R ]
Green & Yellow - SIZE 80 [ MPB056/PSCF3GRYLBEAR80-R ] * SIZE 90 [ MPB056/PSCF3GRYLBEAR90-R ] * SIZE 95 [ MPB056/PSCF3GRYLBEAR95-R ]
Brown & Cyan - SIZE 80 [ MPB056/PSCF3BRCYBEAR80-R ] * SIZE 90 [ MPB056/PSCF3BRCYBEAR90-R ] * SIZE 95 [ MPB056/PSCF3BRCYBEAR95-R ]
Size Reference: SIZE 80 - Length 42cm x Waistline 44cm / SIZE 90 - Length 45cm x Waistline 48cm / Length 49cm x Waistline 48cm (Waistline measurement before stretch)
Material: Cotton & Fleece (Very Soft, Comfortable and stretchable) *Slightly thicker material that keep baby/toddler legs warm at cool weather or air con places / Legging area slightly stretchable*
*Please click on image to view bigger size format*