Pattern Series Baby Leg Warmers
Price: S$4.90
***(Get Minimum 3 Pairs of Any Baby Leg Warmers at S$4.00 each pair)***
P1(Grey & Cream) MPB007/LW * P2(Red & White) MPB008/LW-R * P3(Sweet Hearts) MPB009/LW-R * P4(Blue Star) MPB006/LW-R * P5(Green Stripy) MPB010/LW-R * P6(Grey Ball) MPB011/LW-R * P7(Ivory Ball) MPB012/LW-R * P8(Peach Ball) MPB013/LW-R * P9(Blue Greek) MPB014/LW-R * P10(Grey Net) MPB015/LW-R * P11(Maroon Stripy) MPB016/LW-R * P12(Pink Bow) MPB001/LW-R * P13(Beige Dots) MPB003/LW-R * P14(Pink Checkered) MPB017/LW-R * P15(Grey Checkered) MPB018/LW-R * P16(Pink Ribbon) MPB019/LW-R * P17(White Ribbon) MPB020/LW-R * P18(Orange Dots) MPB021/LW-R * P19(Pink Mix) MPB022/LW-R * P20(Cyan Shiny) MPB023/LW-R * P21(Blue Sporty) MPB024/LW-R * P22(Black Sporty) MPB025/LW-R * P23(Blue Anchor) MPB026/LW-R * P24(Red Anchor) MPB027/LW-R * P25(Grey Garden) MPB028/LW-R
Size Reference: Estimated Length 27cm to 31cm (before stretch)
Material: 100% Cotton (Very stretchable & Comfortable!)
*Please click on image twice to view bigger size format*